4 Sneaky Blockers that are Keeping You From Confidently Feeling God’s Love
Blocker #1: Not Believing that You’re Worthy in God’s Eyes
There is where:
You’re experiencing major self-doubt.
You really, really don’t feel “good enough” for God.
You don’t believe that you can ever be worthy of God’s love.
This sense of unworthiness can be caused by a variety of things such as:
Not having a true biblical understanding of God’s character.
For example, you’re not aware that God doesn’t actually require you to earn His love.
Having been told by people or religions that you’re not “good enough” to the point where you’ve accepted it as the truth.
Feeling like a failure because you haven’t been able to live a life without sin, mistakes, or failures.
Whatever the exact cause, this sense of unworthiness is a major blocker to you fully accepting - and feeling confident in - God’s love for you.
How do you counteract that? By discovering your true value in His eyes.
See the two steps at the end of this post to learn how.
Blocker #2: Not Having Access to Genuine Biblical Resources
This is where:
You have a lack of information about God’s true character.
And, as such, you don’t have a proper knowledge and understanding about who God truly is - which changes everything.
Maybe you’ve been able to acquire bits and pieces along the way, but the full picture is still fuzzy.
You haven’t been able to learn about God in a cohesive way that gives you real clarity and “a-ha” breakthrough moments.
Usually, this lack of genuine biblical information is due to things such as:
Living in a geographical region where finding a church and/or religion that teaches genuine biblical knowledge is difficult.
You’re dealing with family pressures regarding religion, God, traditions, or associated information.
You’re confused as to what is biblically accurate and/or are wary about what sources to trust.
Whatever your specific situation, not understanding God’s true, biblical character is obviously a major blocker to you fully accepting - and feeling confident in - God’s love for you.
Counteracting the current situation requires zeroing on misinformation and filling in any biblical knowledge gaps.
See the two steps at the end of this post to learn how.
Blocker #3: Being in a Place of Hopelessness and Pain
This is where:
You have old wounds that are still affecting you
You’ve had very hurtful or traumatic experiences that are still with you
You find it really hard to have hope
You’re tendency with relationships - including with God -is to stay at a “safe distance”
The wounds and experiences vary by person. However, they can include:
Emotional or mental abuse, manipulation, or gas lighting
Physical or sexual abuse
Seasons of life that were extremely difficult or tragic
And can involve one’s father, mother, partner, or another close friend or relative
Whatever the specific situation, there needs to be healing in order for you to be able to open up to who God is and His love for you.
Now, please know that I don’t make such a statement lightly or flippantly. I actually have a highly abusive past, and I initially rejected God partly because I didn’t want to open up to Him.
But having made progress in this area (by God’s grace) over the years, I know how important breakthrough in this area can be. And everything starts with a single step.
What does that first step need to be? See the two steps at the end of this post to start moving forward.
Blocker #4: Your Relationship with God Is More Corporate Than Personal
This is where:
Your current relationship with God is shaped more by the community, region, or environment that you’re in rather than your own journey with God.
In other words, instead of the development of your personal relationship with God being the primary focus, it’s more about being aligned with the environment around you.
This can be caused by things such as:
External pressures from church, family, or friends regarding understanding God in a certain way.
This pressure can also include how you should (or should not) view, connect, or approach God.
As well as resistance (by words or deeds) to you exploring information or other ways to see God and connect with Him
As such, you’re in an environment that consistently clouds your view of God or pressures you to conform.
In this case, there needs to be a strengthening of your personal relationship with God.
If you’ve been drawn to this post, then there’s a good chance that God’s already wooing your heart and calling you to Himself.
Having the right, biblically-based community is important for every Christian. But, we need to have a solid personal relationship with Him as well. And the more solid the relationship, the more we will be confident in His love for us.
So, what can you do to move past this blocker?
I’m going to give you two practical steps that will help you achieve breakthroughs for ANY of the four blockers I’ve just covered.
Step #1: Take the FREE Quiz
As you’ve read this post, it may (or may not) have been easy to identify which blocker applies to you.
If you’re still unsure, then my FREE quiz is definitely going to help you get clarity.
If you feel as if one of these blockers applies to you, then this quiz will help you confirm that.
It you feel as if you have multiple blockers, the quiz will ensure that you start by tackling your #1 blocker, as that will be your quiz result.
Whenever you currently are, the quiz will give you confirmation and clarity that will then equip you for strategic growth.
The quiz is super simple! It can be done in less than 60 seconds.
Step 1: Take the FREE Quiz
Step 2: Answer the 5 interactive questions.
They’re not hard. They’re not meant to trip you up. Simply answer openly and honestly.
After answering the five short questions, the quiz will tell you what your primary blocker/area of strategic growth needs to be.
Step 3: Check your email.
As of today, you’ll receive a personalized note from me along with some FREE customized resources. (So you can start making progress ASAP.)
Step #2: Join Relate Escape Place
This step is optional. However, regardless of which blocker is your primary one, I highly encourage you to sign-up today as I’ve specifically created Relate Escape Place to help you continually make progress in either area.
You get immediate access to three foundational mini courses (with more to come) that will:
Give you genuine biblical knowledge regarding who God is.
Provide you with hope and healing as you learn about His character and desires for you.
Help you see how worthy you really are. Meaning, how God truly sees you.
As well as help you forge that personal relationship with God outside of your current environment.
You’ll also have access to the Tool Kit library that provides a list of 3rd party resources - some of them FREE! - to further help you understand God and the Bible.
And you’ll be part of a safe community that’s made-up of other women who are on the same journey as you are!