God’s Love for women

Dig deep into the TRUE character of God. Break free from the lie that you have to earn God’s love through perfectionism and good works. And learn how to connect with God as the woman you are today!

It’s time to claim the love, hope, and healing that God so eagerly wants to give you - while approaching Him with confidence and joy!

Life-altering content from a Jesus-lovin’ lady who’s walked in your shoes … and come out the other side.

i’ve been where you are

In 2021, God called me to launch a podcast to help other women based on my own extensive journey. Like you, I wasn’t raised with a true biblical picture of God. As a result, I was resistant when He initially pursued a relationship with me. I was confused and, what’s more, hurt and broken from an abusive childhood.

In His endless love, however, God persisted. He won my heart and then (despite the region I lived in) provided me with legit biblical resources so I could truly understand who He is - and who I am.

Friend, come listen to hours of biblically-based content that is also practical and actionable. Be set free from the lies; find hope and healing; and bask in God’s unconditional love and acceptance as you deepen your relationship with Him.

I truly believe that God’s on a mission to rescue, love, and empower His daughters like never before. And that YOU are His beloved.

The God's Love for Women podcast playing on an iPhone

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You are loved more than you will ever know by someone who died to know you.

Ref. Romans 5:8

what’s in store
for you


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God’s Goodness & Love

Dig deep with me into who God truly is from a legit, biblical perspective - as well as how to purge the things that often skew our view of Him (such as bad teaching, lies from the enemy, etc.).

Only after we clearly and fully know who God is can we understand - and recognize - His goodness and unconditional love for us.

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Who Jesus Is

Jesus, the son of God, was born into human history. He paid the ultimate price so that you and I could have a full, loving relationship with our Heavenly Father. Jesus is also our friend and guide.

Learn who Jesus is, how He wants to love and support you, and why He’s one of the biggest examples of God’s love for you.

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The true story of the Bible, from the Old to New Testament, is one of hope. God created us to be in relationship with Him - and His plan does NOT include earning His love through works, unobtainable perfectionism, or striving to be like everyone else.

We’ll lean into the overarching story of the Bible, looking at how God’s love and goodness has given us all the hope we need. And not a fleeting hope based on circumstances - but a solid hope cemented in a loving, never-changing God.

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Trying to please God in unobtainable ways only leads to heartache, hurt, and loneliness. Plus, we often come from unloving or abusive households that have also taken their toll. God sees your pain and longs to heal your wounds - whether mental, emotional, or physical.

Find healing through biblical truth, freedom from the lies, and the cultivation of your relationship with God (who wants to place His healing touch upon you).

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Who we are - aka our identity - doesn’t stem from worldly things. It comes from who we belong to - God.

As you expand your biblical knowledge and understanding of God’s character, as well as find hope and healing, you’ll also become more confident in who you are. God created you to be YOU.

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Excitement, Fun, and creativity

Just because we’re talking about serious topics doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun!

I’m a highly creative individual who loves color, laughter, and encouragement - so be prepared for a downpour of joy! You’ve been duly warned!


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God’s goodness and love for you - Who Jesus is - Hope, healing, and more!
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    Ask jenn

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