Relate Escape — 2021 Reflections: The Unshakeable Foundation of Jesus. Plus My Word for 2022 and What God is Already Preparing Me For!

2021 Reflections: The Unshakeable Foundation of Jesus. Plus My Word for 2022 and What God is Already Preparing Me For!

I don't know about you, but I honestly can't believe how far God has taken me these past twelve months.

When I think about who I was this time last year (and where I was) versus today, I'm utterly floored.

God has done so much work in regards to who I am and the logistics of life; all to build a solid foundation as only He can (Matthew 7:24-27). Even when the circumstances around me made it feel like I was standing on shifting sands, God brought me out on solid ground.

Join me as I share my story; what a solid, Biblical foundation looks like; and how we can obtain it. I'll also give you a sneak peek into where God is already taking me in preparation for 2022.

Get comfy, sister - 'cause I'm about to testify to how God can create an unshakeable foundation wherever you are in your life.

Show Notes:

  • Intro

    • Welcome, friend, to the episode. So glad that you’re here to wrap-up 2021 with me. I’ve got a lot to share and I’m excited to dig in.

    • But first, I want to make a quick housekeeping announcement. I want to let you know that this is the last episode of 2021. Now, don’t worry - I’ll be back with all new episodes starting on Monday, January 3rd. I’m simply taking some time off to rest - and to focus and plan in preparation for 2022. 

    • I also want to help facilitate your rest. I think it would be a bit hypocritical of me, as a Christian, to schedule episodes for release while I am resting. Especially during this time of year when our focus needs to be on our friends and family and God. (And the birth of Jesus and all that that means.)

    • I don’t want to practice and preach rest - which is a biblical practice, right? - while at the same time releasing content and expecting your time and attention.

    • So I’m going to do a lovely year-end wrap up in this episode, and share what God has done in my life in 2021 and where He’s already taking me in 2022. Which is a great way to end the year, I think. And then I’ll be back with all new episodes to ring in the new year, starting on Monday, January 3rd.

    • Alright, so let’s talk about 2021. Like I said in the teaser to this episode, I honestly can’t believe how much God has done in the past 12 months. Truly. When I look back to where I was this time last year - without a job, unable to pay my bills, wondering when the wilderness season God had me in would end - and where I am now...I’m just floored. I’m floored. God has blessed me in so many ways that it’s astounding.

    • And when I look back or think of these blessings, one word comes to mind. I didn’t have a word per se for 2021. But as I reflect on this year, and everything that God did, one word comes to mind: foundation. (Or foundational.)

    • In my mind’s eye, I see a new home being built. What’s the first step when it comes to constructing a new house? Pouring or laying the foundation. And it may not be the most glamorous part of the project. It’s not the prettiest, right? It’s just pouring grey concrete and laying out that first piece.

    • But guess what? It’s one of the most pivotal parts of building a house. Everything that comes after, that is built on top of it, needs that foundation to be laid correctly. Soundly. Strongly. The success of the walls, the floors, the roof...depends on that foundation being done correctly and with strength. Otherwise, the house isn’t going to withstand very much, is it?

    • That’s what I see when I look back at 2021 and what God has done. He has poured an insane foundation to start building from where I’m concerned - both in who I am and where He’s calling me to walk.

    • In Matthew 7:24-27 (TPT) Jesus says, “Everyone who hears my teaching and applies it to his life can be compared to a wise man who built his house on an unshakable foundation. When the rains fell and the flood came, with fierce winds beating upon his house, it stood firm because of its strong foundation. But everyone who hears my teaching and does not apply it to his life can be compared to a foolish man who built his house on sand. When it rained and rained and the flood came, with wind and waves beating upon his house, it collapsed and was swept away.”

    • Notice the adjective used here in the Passion Translation in regards to the foundation. Jesus says … “unshakeable foundation.” As in, that thing is not going anywhere. The storm can come, the earthquake can come, the tsunami can come...but that foundation isn’t going to do anything but stand there in defiance of whatever is trying to hurt it.

    • How can the foundation be that strong? That indestructible? Listen to Jesus’s words again: “Everyone who hears my teaching and applies it to his life can be compared to a wise man who built his house on an unshakable foundation.”

    • We have an indestructible foundation when we both listen to Jesus AND apply His teaching. Notice that it’s two-fold. It’s not enough to just listen to Jesus. We have to also apply or do.

    • Sister, I want to pause here for a moment because this is a legit source of encouragement. Do you know what this means?

    • It means your unshakeable foundation needs to be based on nothing more than listening to and obeying Jesus. In other words, it’s about how much money is in your bank account. It’s not about how well you’re performing at work - or how much you’re recognized. It’s not about how many possessions you own, or what your family or friends think of you, or how much healing you need from past hurts or bad relationships.

    • Jesus and His teaching is your foundation. That’s all you need.

    • And I want to point this out because I know a lot of you listening to this episode are likely facing dire circumstances or hardships or you’re looking at your life and you’re thinking, “How can anything solid ever be built out of my life? It’s just too much of a mess. I’m too much of a mess. There’s no way.”

    • Sister, that is a lie straight from the Enemy. Jesus is your foundation. All those other things can be healed or dealt with. It may take time. It won’t happen overnight. But your foundation is Jesus. He’s the builder. We’re not. We’re not in a position, as humans who only see a very small part of the bigger picture, to say what Jesus can or cannot do. Our role is to focus on Him and let Him facilitate the building process.

    • If you’ve listened to some of my other episodes from this year, I shared where I was at the beginning of 2021. I entered 2021 in the apex of the wilderness season God had put me in the year before - in 2020. I began 2021 without a job. I was unable to pay my credit cards. I wasn’t able to pay my rent. I was simply focusing on God, which is what we’re called to do in the wilderness season, and doing my best to cast my anxieties and fears onto Him and trust that He had this.

    • Because what’s the premiere ingredient for a solid foundation? Listening to Jesus and applying His teaching. (And going where He calls us to go, and doing what He calls us to do.)

    • I had drifted from God. So the first thing He did, to rebuild, was get that foundation laid. He put me in a wilderness season to bring me back into relationship with Him. I was reading the Bible again. I was praying again. God gave me a new friend that was also in her own season. And that friend plugged into the local church that I am starting to plug into. A church that is truly all about Jesus as its foundation.

    • God also had me prune some things and people that couldn’t go with me into the Promised Land ( as it were) after the wilderness trek was over. Sometimes God has to prune things that don’t align with, or will be blockers, to where He wants to take us. Or who He wants us to be.

    • So God first and foremost focused on my relationship with Him. 

  • And then in February of 2021, my wilderness season ended, as I got hired at my current day job

    • The salary I am making now is more than I’ve ever made; and more than I ever thought I could make. God met what I needed, financially, but also exceeded my expectations.

    • My day job also provides me with a really great community. People who value me and my work - and tell me so. (Something I didn’t have at my previous 9-5.) They’re also a pleasure to spend time with outside of work.

  • Next, after a few months when my bills were caught up, God then gave me a completely new vision for my business, Relate Escape.

    • Originally, Relate Escape had been something else. But God had made it clear that my business was His mission. But even though it’s His mission, it’s also meant to be how I live out my God-given calling. And my God-given calling means I operate in a way that’s aligned with how God made me - such as how I’m wired.

    • In a very short amount of time, God helped me to get clarity on what my God-given calling is. Something that had been at the back of everything in my forty years of life on this earth. AND facilitated the creation (or pivot) of a business that aligns or lives out that calling.

  • And it’s not just the things God has done in 2021; it’s how He’s up-leveled me.

    • Even in the wilderness season, God was teaching me or prompting me to be more empowered. To stand up for myself more. To go after things. To set boundaries. To speak up. To better see my value, worth, and potential. 

    • Friend, when Jesus says in Matthew 7 that we need to listen and apply His’s not just about the instructional things. Do this or don’t do that. It’s also His teaching about who we are. How valuable we are. How much worth we have. How much impact we can have. How He will always be with us. How God will always supply what we need. 

    • And who we’re meant to be.

    • I could probably do a whole podcast series based on what I’ve just said. But the point is, having a Jesus-based foundation isn’t just about’s about who we are inside. It’s about us.

    • Ultimately, Jesus wants us to change, and become more like Him, and continue to grow and up-level.

    • And when I look back at the person I was a year So different. I’m not that same person. 

    • The foundation Jesus has laid over 2021 wasn’t just about a job, finances, community, and a new was about who I am. What Jesus is doing in me. Not just to me or for me.

  • And for Jesus to do all of these things, I had to listen and obey.

    • It can’t be about our timing and when we think things need to happen. It can’t. I was waiting for Jesus to tell me when I could pick my business back up. But after I got my new day job, I figured He’d want me to just work for a year, pay off some debt, build up my savings, and just focus on finances.

    • But several months in, Jesus was like, “Nope. Not my timing. Here’s my vision for Relate Escape. Here’s where you need to go to get clarity on your calling. Here’s what the podcast title needs to include.” It was all of the things.

    • In mid-February, I got hired at my day job. In the beginning of September, I launched this podcast. And then Jesus told me to start using Pinterest to drive traffic. He’s got a plan and I’m merely trying to keep up.

    • Jesus has laid a solid, unshakeable foundation - based on Him and the bible. And He’s been growing me, encouraging me to place boundaries and be more bold and more empowered, so that He can continue to up-level me.

  • Which brings me to 2022…

    • The year Jesus wants me to dream. I mentioned in the previous episode that I felt very called to attend a virtual Dreamer’s Summit a few weekends ago. And man...has He done some serious work.

    • And a large part of that is getting me to dream again. Why? Because He wants me to dream big. And I can do that now, without heartbreak, because the foundation has been laid. Where, several years ago, I dreamed after drifting from God...and from a heart that was rooted in all the wrong my roots, my foundation, are based in Him.

    • So Jesus is like, “Last year, we laid the foundation. Internally, meaning who you are. And externally, with steady income, the new business, Jesus-based community...etc. Now it’s time to dream. And to dream BIG.”

    • And so, if I were to say to you that I have a word for 2022, you might guess that it was the word “dream,” right? But actually, you would be incorrect.

    • Jesus is encouraging me to dream - but dreams require planning. They don’t just happen. And I’ve been working through a specific dream planner, made by the company who hosted the Dreamer’s Summit that I attended, so that I can intentionally approach 2022 and my dreams.

    • I want to intentionally build upon my unshakeable foundation, per Jesus’s direction and help. And also, I have a lot going on as I enter 2022. I have a full-time job. I have a business - that includes two podcast episodes a week (and their related items) plus a Redbubble store - that I need to be consistent in. And I pray Jesus will continue to grow because the ultimate dream is to serve women like yourself as my full-time gig someday. 

    • I’m also on track to buy a car in February - which is very exciting as I haven't owned a car in over three years. And I’ll be putting it on Turo so that the car can essentially pay for itself. Another way of being entrepreneurial and empowered.

    • And then there’s the everyday stuff like bills, laundry, cooking, walking Hobbs (my Greyhound)...and I want to be better with my physical health next year as well.

    • And...of course...time with Jesus! And God! And the Holy Spirit! Which needs to be at the top of the priority list - not the bottom. Because that ensures that my foundation remains sturdy and steady and unshakeable.

    • Anyway, all that to say...guess what my word is for 2022? The word that keeps popping into my head when I think about where Jesus is taking me and what next year entails?

    • Yep - you guessed word for 2022 is “intentional.” I want to intentionally build on top of my unshakable foundation. And that requires that I be very intentional about my time and energy and who and what I focus on. 

    • And that starts with intentionally taking the next two weeks off as much as possible to rest but also plan for 2022. So I can start off with a plan. With intentionality.

    • And that always includes intentionally listening to Jesus and going where He leads even if I don’t understand it, or agree with it, or can see how this will work.

  • And that’s what I want to leave you with, friend, as we end 2021 and prepare to enter a new year…

    • Wherever you are in life… Whether you’re starting over from a marriage that’s ended or a bad relationship… Whether you’ve drifted from God and He’s helping you find your way back… Maybe you’ve been walking faithfully with God but nothing seems to be making sense… Whenever you are in life, and whatever you’re facing, God can create an unshakeable foundation.

    • It’s not about your’s who you cling to. And I mean “who” with a capitalized W here. Who is your rock? Who is your builder? And are you trusting Him to do the building?

    • One year ago today, I couldn’t see a solid foundation in my future. Certainly not an unshakable one. All I could see was the credit card companies calling because I couldn’t pay them. And my bank balance going to zero. And wondering how I was going to pray for rent because I couldn’t. And when was I going to get a job because nothing was working?

    • In short, I didn’t see a solid foundation. It wasn’t there in my circumstances. But it was there in Who I was leaning on, and trusting, and listening to - to the best of ability with God’s grace.

    • And it’s the Who who changed my circumstances when it was time. Because the work He needed to do in me, including my relationship with Him, was where He needed it to be. And once that was accomplished, He could solidify that unshakeable foundation. He could start building on top of it.

    • “Okay, here’s the job that will pay your bills and help pay off debt and help you get a car. Let’s start framing the house atop the foundation. Here’s the new vision for Relate Escape and how I want you to serve the women you’re called to serve. That’s some more framing. Here’s the Jesus-based community you can plug into. Etc.”

    • “Okay, now as we enter 2022, I want you to dream. Now we’re really going to start building. What kind of kitchen do you want? What kind of master bath would you like? It’s okay to dream about your life because guess what? We’re in alignment now. Your foundation is built on me.”

    • Friend, do you see how this works? 

    • And when the storms come - and they will - and rage against that will stand. Just like the verse in Matthew says: “When the rains fell and the flood came, with fierce winds beating upon his house, it stood firm because of its strong foundation.”

    • Because our foundation is Jesus. That’s what it means to be a Jesus empowered maiden. 

    • Our circumstances do not dictate what is possible for us. Our foundation, which is Jesus, does. 

    • So as you close out 2021, and prepare to enter 2022, I want you, sister, to spend the next two weeks taking stock of your foundation. Is it unshakeable? Is it based on Jesus? On His teaching and your relationship with Him? Are you seeking what He wants? Or have you been trying to build your own foundation? Does it keep getting swept away? Because it likely will be if it hasn’t yet.

    • If the answer is “no” - your foundation is not based on Jesus - then intentionally rectify that. Take this to Jesus over the next two weeks before entering the new year. Repent. Lay your life at His feet again. Ask Him to bring you back in alignment. Seek His direction for next year - and for creating that unshakeable foundation.

    • If your answer is “yes” - your foundation is based on Jesus - then take this time before the new year to seek His will for you, too, going into 2022. I think it’s so easy to either get swept up in the busyness of the holiday season - or to let it pass by without really thinking about the next year.

    • And I say this as someone who is doing this for the first time. This is new to me, too. So please know that I’m not perfect at this. I just know that, as much work as Jesus has done this year, I don’t want to lose that progress as I go into 2021. And apparently He doesn’t want me to, either, because He’s already preparing me for it.

    • So friend, wherever you are, whatever season you’re in, whatever you’re facing, and whatever this year has looked like for you...take heart. An unshakeable foundation is built on Jesus. On God. Seek them and your foundation will follow. And it will probably be way more amazing than a plain ‘ole grey foundation. It will contain much more than you could ever think possible.
