Warning: The Part of Yourself that Has Been Lost the Most is Probably the Thing God has Created You to Do

Have you ever felt like a key part of yourself has been lost or diminished?

Is there something that used to bring you immense joy, and greatly impacted others, that no longer exists center stage in your life? Do you just not feel like, well, wholly you?

I completely understand. In today's podcast episode, I share how the core of who God created me to be was lost for decades - and how He brought it all back to the forefront. I'll also share several important tips when it comes to reclaiming that lost part of yourself. Jesus Maiden, it's time to rediscover who you are fully are as a woman of God and impact the world like a boss! 

(Oh, and we also talk about Paula Abdul and Cabbage Patch dolls! 'Cause, ya know, it's me!)