Shame Does NOT Come From God
God does not desire us to feel shame.
Nowhere in the Bible does God make His people feel shameful or guilty - even when they’ve sinned or made a huge mistake.
He’s a good Dad, so He does convict us of sin through the Holy Spirit.
However, that conviction is never delivered with things like shame or guilt. Rather, it’s a loving voice. Sometimes firm or pleading, based on the situation. But never forceful or harsh.
God’s goal is always loving correction and protection - never putting us down, even on our worst days.
In addition, the Bible clearly states that shame is not from God:
Romans 10:11 (NIV): As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” [“Him” is referring to Jesus.]
Isaiah 50:7 (NIV): “Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.”
Psalm 25:1-2 (NIV): “In you, Lord my God, I put my trust. I trust in you; do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me.”
In addition to specific verses like these, we need to remember that the Bible does not contradict itself.
So when we read verses such as Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) that says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Shame does not align with hope or a prosperous future. Instead, shame is harmful (creating things such as hopelessness, despair, etc.) - which God clearly says is not a focus or goal of His.
Even if we’re still learning the Bible or about God - which we all are, no matter how many years we’ve been in a relationship with Him - being aware of clear contradictions can help us stay in biblical truth.
So if shame doesn’t come from God, where does it come from?
Satan’s #1 goal is to keep you from having a close relationship with God, and shame is one of his favorite methods to obtain this goal.
There’s a reason he’s referred to as the accuser in the Bible (Revelation 12:10).
And when we feel shameful, our inherent reaction is to pull away from God - which aligns with Satan’s purposes.
This is why understanding where shame comes from (i.e., not from God) and leaning into Him (rather than turning away) is so important.
When Satan is trying to negatively impact your relationship with God, the most powerful move you can counter with is leaning into the One who loves you unconditionally, and who will help you navigate through the issue.
Left to ourselves, we’ll likely continue to believe the lies, pull further away from God, and lose touch with the progress and victories that await us.
Other Imperfect People
We live in a fallen world, full of complex human beings.
Christians and non-Christians alike are not perfect. They can be jealous, or carrying unbiblical beliefs, or any number of things that can lead them to act in a way where they’re trying to make you feel shameful.
Whether intentional or not, it’s something we’re all going to deal with at some point. (And it may occur even when we’re not doing anything that the world could remotely label as shameful.)
We can’t control what other people think, do, or say. But we can control how we react.
If we understand that shame doesn’t come from God, then we can take practical steps in alignment with that to ensure we stay on track.
Which leads me to today’s exercise.
Exercise: Break Free from the Shame
Get out your Truth & Dare Journal. (Or start one via your method of choice - Google Doc, physical notebook, etc.)
List the things that you have been feeling shameful about.
Pray over the list, asking God to specifically equip you with:
The biblical truth that exposes - and counters - the lies behind the shame.
Wisdom when it comes to dealing with the sources of shame (i.e., other people).
Messages from Him that speak to how He truly sees you, loves you, and wants you to flourish and grow.
Other things you can do:
Browse through past episodes of this podcast to find ones that align with your list.
For example, if you’ve been shamed for your inability to be perfect, there are several episodes that can help you dive into God’s truth.
Apple now auto transcribes all of our episodes. And when you do a search, it searches both the titles and the content.
This podcast is a free tool. Use it. Take advantage of it.
Set aside time to be in God’s presence - even if it’s something you’re still figuring out.
Being a Christian is about having a relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (i.e., the Triune God).
So while gaining the correct biblical knowledge is important, it’s just as important to spend time with God. To be in His presence, focus on who He is, and let Him speak to you and reveal Himself to you in a personal way.
The more you get to know Him - personally - and the more your relationship with Him develops, the more the lies of Satan and the world will stand out. You’ll be able to more easily recognize what God says (or would say) versus all of the other voices.