God's Goodness & Love

10 Biblical Promises to Help You Trust God’s Character and Open Your Heart

Are you having a hard time trusting God? Has it been challenging to let go of the unbiblical version you were raised with? (Meaning a harsh, judgmental God?) Do you want to trust Him but just don’t know how or where to start?

Discover 10 major biblical promises that foundationally speak to God’s character and why you can safely grow to trust Him. Plus, snag a special freebie just for you!

3 Study Filters to Help You See God’s Absolute Love for You in the Bible

Is understanding the Bible a real struggle? Do you have a hard time seeing God’s love and goodness in what you’re reading? Do you want to believe that His love is complete and unconditional, especially as a woman, yet there seems to be contradictory information?

The good news is that these challenges can be overcome starting with a few simple study filters. Gain instant clarity and contentment!

2 Clarifying Resources Regarding the Misconception that God is Abusive

Does it feel like God is abusive? Have you suffered tragedy, abuse, or deep pain that seems to support that idea? Friend, I endured a highly abusive childhood and marriage. But God in His goodness showed me the truth of who He is - and reminded me that we have an active enemy working against us.

Join me in stepping into clarity, hope, and healing with these two breakthrough resources!

2 Tips to Help You Confidently Approach God as Yourself

Do you struggle with approaching God or spending time in His presence? Do you feel unworthy or not good enough? Do you feel too sinful or broken? These challenges don’t have to keep hindering your relationship.

Learn two very simple, no-stress practices that you can implement today to help you lean into God’s presence as 100% yourself - no perfection, pretense, or prescribed formula required!

3 Bible Stories that are Examples of God’s Goodness Towards Women

Are you having a hard time finding God’s goodness in the Bible? Maybe the biblical teaching you’ve experienced has been focused on a judgmental God. Or maybe the Bible is new and confusing to you. This resource will help you see past the mysterious verses!

Take a brief - but uniquely powerful - look at three biblical stories that will provide clarity, revelation and open your eyes to great things!

7 Groundbreaking Resources that Prove the Bible is NOT Patriarchal

Are you trying to embrace God’s true character - and His love for you - but feel a sense of inequality each time you open the Bible? When you’ve been taught about Eve, the Proverbs 31 woman, or certain things the apostle Paul said, was the message related to women staying in their place? Making it seem like God isn’t that loving?

These 7 legit, truly Biblical based resources will set you free!