Where Did Jenn Go? Meeting the Man of My Dreams, 19,000 Written Words, and Other Sudden Life Changes

If you’re a follower of the show, then you know I haven’t released a new episode since mid-September. Trust me - it was NOT my intention to disappear for two months.

BUT God.

Yep - that one tiny sentence can throw a real wrench in our plans, right?! ….

Feeling the Weight of Regret Over Past Mistakes as a Christian Woman? Fight Back for These 3 Reasons

We all make mistakes. We sin. We make errors in judgment. And sometimes, we simply don’t know better. (Life is, after all, a journey.)

No matter the type or size of the mistake, it’s only natural to look back and wish we had chosen differently.

But what if you can’t move past it? What if it keeps coming back to the forefront of your mind in a way that’s burdening your heart and soul? ….

Jesus Calling You to Something Big that You Feel Ill-Equipped For? Count on His Help in These 2 Ways

During your walk with Jesus, there are going to be times when He calls you to do something that feels BIG.

Maybe it’s ending a relationship, writing your first book, or standing up for yourself for the first time. Whatever it is, it just seems impossible. It’s large, it’s scary, and you don’t believe that you’re properly equipped to succeed. …

Don’t See Yourself as a Powerful, Female Christian Warrior for Jesus? 3 Traits that Prove Otherwise

Want to know a secret? You can totally be an effective female warrior for Jesus without having it all together.

You don’t need to be perfect. You don’t need to be at a certain level of growth. In fact, you can be broken, repressed, and dealing with a very messy life.

How can this be, you ask? ….

1 Corinthians 11:3 Exposed - Paul Did NOT Say Men Should Lead & Women Should Follow in the Church

When it comes to gender inequality in the church, one of the most quoted verses is 1 Corinthians 11:3: “...the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.”

The common interpretation is that men should lead and women should follow (which often leads to women being second-class citizens).

But guess what? That’s not what Paul meant at all! In fact, Paul was actually calling out the *inequality* between the sexes! ….

4 Tips to Improve Your Low Self-Esteem When You’re In (or Have Recently Left) a Toxic Relationship

Being an empowered Christian woman requires believing in yourself. But when you’re in a toxic or abusive relationship, your self-esteem suffers.

It’s hard to feel confident when you’re made to feel incompetent - let alone see your true value and worth.

So how can you start recognizing and trusting in your abilities? It may seem impossible - but it’s not. ….